Daniel 11 Explained(condensed ‘one page’ commentary)‘Matthew 24’ Explained(must match Revelation)The ‘Seals’ Explained(Revelation’s timeline revealed)Abomination t/c Desolation(The rapture is getting very close)Homesitemap End Time Signs ‘fulfilled’ in the Middle East (ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey in Bible Prophecy) The difference between this website and others is that I did what Jesus said to do and traced events in the Book of Daniel, leading to the ‘abomination that causes desolation’. That’s a critical event because that’s when the rapture will happen. (see Matthew 24:15-31) Daniel 11 is the most detailed list of events leading to the abomination, which is why it was ‘sealed until the time of the end’. (Dan 12:4) Yet, God never said it would be sealed forever. In fact, God began revealing the true meaning of Daniel 11, several years ago, and events have been matching verse-by-verse. Actually, this website began when Daniel 11:22 was still being fulfilled, and now Daniel 11:30 has just been completed (Dec 2016). I admit, things did not always happen exactly as I expected but God’s prophecies are very noticeable, once they are complete. As the saying goes, “hindsight is 20/20.” The verses on this page are some of the more distinct events to happen in recent history. The events match the prophecies in Daniel 11 exactly, yet no one could have predicted these things years ago, let alone decades or centuries. That’s why people must be flexible when studying end times from the Bible, especially Daniel 11. Yet, the interpretation that most people use is over 300 years old, crams most of the events in the beginning, has a huge gap towards the end, and claims that the abomination took place in 168BC, when Jesus refers to it in the future. (Matt 24:15) In other words, this is obviously the correct interpretation of Daniel 11 and the fact that it’s coming true confirms that. In a nutshell, it’s time for everyone to accept this interpretation of Daniel 11 because it’s coming true whether people believe it or not. Spread the word. You can find a quick summary of the last 100 years on the abomination page, which shows how the verses are getting closer together, rather than having a big gap, and the abomination is the next thing to happen because the other verses are done. There’s also a ‘condensed’ verse-by-verse commentary of Daniel 11, on one page, which is printable on PDF for your convenience. Thanks. ISIS prophecy explained from the Bible Daniel 11:24 When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them and will achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did. He will distribute plunder, loot, and wealth among his followers. He will plot the overthrow of fortresses—but only for a time.Introduction After much prayer and consideration, I’m now convinced that this verse describes ISIS and their invasion of Iraq, in June 2014. Previously, I had thought that the pronoun ‘he’ had to be talking about the same group or country, throughout Daniel 11, because Iran fulfilled Dan 11:21-23, which was the beginning of the final empire. Yet, after seeing the next couple verses come true, I’ve come to realize that ‘he’ is a vague term that can change from verse to verse, as long as the event is truly monumental or historic and makes a huge impact on the Middle East. “When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them” ISIS was a group for many years, before most people had ever heard of them, but they made a name for themselves when they invaded Mosul, on June 10, 2014. ISIS began as part of Al-Qaeda, more than a decade before, when their original leader, Zarqawi, pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and started Al-Qaeda in Iraq. After the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, which was the first part of Daniel 11:22, Zarqawi recruited members of Saddam’s former army and fought against the West from 2003 until his death in 2006. Iraq must have felt “secure” because they forced America to abide by an earlier agreement, to withdraw all troops by December 2011, which is also part of Daniel 11:22. At that time, ISIS was confined mainly to Syria, fighting the Assad regime as part of Jabhat al-Nusra, an off-shoot of Al-Qaeda. However, under their new leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the group became so ruthless that even Al-Qaeda disowned them and they split from Jabhat al-Nusra, becoming ISIS or ISIL. Apparently, al-Baghdadi saw a golden opportunity, during the Iraqi election of 2014, because many Sunni were unhappy with the Shiite government in Baghdad. As ISIS approached Mosul, the Sunni troops who were protecting the second largest city in Iraq chose not to fight. Instead, they left their equipment and abandoned their posts, which the Baghdad government certainly didn’t expect. “distribute plunder, loot, and wealth among his followers” Not only did they acquire an abundance of American-made weapons and machinery, they looted banks in Mosul for an estimated $425 million. For a period of time, they were declared the richest terrorist group in the world, richer than many small countries, because they also had a lucrative oil business, selling at a discount rate through Turkey. ISIS used their new-found wealth to recruit soldiers from around the world (via internet), promising all sorts of good times, and from local areas because they paid better than the other terrorist armies. “achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did” After invading Mosul, al-Baghdadi declared a ‘caliphate’, which was something that “neither his fathers nor forefathers had done.” A caliphate is the same as an Islamic empire or dynasty, which had not existed since the Ottoman Empire was defeated during WWI. Of course, the Ottomans were Turkish so they weren’t his forefathers anyway. To find the last Arab dynasty to possess the caliphate, you would have to go back to the Abbasids, who were defeated by the Mongols in 1258. Whether the caliphate was legitimate or not, the fact that al-Baghdadi declared one at all was a significant achievement, especially since he was Arab. “He will plot the overthrow of fortresses—but only for a time.” Al-Baghdadi’s intentions were well known because he wanted to grow the caliphate to include the whole Middle East and surrounding areas, such as the old Islamic empire. However, his aspirations only lasted for a time (so to speak) because ISIS started losing ground, after the Iraqi government and Shia militias took back Tikrit in March 2015. It has been a slow process but I don’t think ISIS has the same grand vision that they once had. Conclusion I believe that ISIS fulfilled Daniel 11:24 because they certainly had an impact on the Middle East and continue to wreck havoc on the world (or try to) through isolated terrorist’s attacks. They had an enormous impact on the final empire in Daniel 11 because they gave Iran a legitimate excuse to militarily enter the Middle East, which they may have not gotten otherwise. Iran now plays a prominent role in Iraq’s army, through Shia militias and advisers, plus Syria’s army, with up to 100,000 ground troops, and control much of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Therefore, ISIS fulfilled Daniel 11:24 but it actually helped Iran enter the Middle East (or Mesopotamia), which has been a requirement for the ‘king of the North’, throughout the history of Daniel 11. Who is the king of the South? Simply put, the ‘king of the South’ is Saudi Arabia and their allies, mainly the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), consisting of Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman. It became fairly obvious when the GCC met on December 9, 2014, in Doha, Qatar, to discuss the situation with ISIS, Iran, Egypt, and the Muslim Brotherhood. One of the main outcomes of the summit was to establish an ‘Arab NATO’, which included an army, based in Saudi Arabia, a navy, based in Bahrain, and a ‘GCC-POL’ intelligence service, based in UAE. Other than that, they didn’t reveal many objectives, from the summit, except to “stave off outside interference in Arab affairs”, which was aimed primarily at Iran and their involvement in Iraq. Later, it was revealed that Saudi Arabia had been building an elaborate wall, on the border of Iraq, since Sept. 2014, further defining North & South. The wall was planned with a ditch and triple-layered steel fencing, with 40 watchtowers. There was supposed to be 38 separate communication towers and 32 military response stations, with 240 armed rapid response vehicles to patrol the wall. (Newsweek - Jan. 25, 2015 - Telegraph [UK] has photos) For background, the GCC was created in 1981 by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, to counter the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and protect against the spread of Shia Islam in the Gulf States. Of course, the Awawites, a branch of Shia Islam, had already been in control of Syria, since 1970, but Iran added to that problem in 1979. Therefore, Saudi Arabia created the GCC for the sole purpose of opposing the Shiites of the North. The Houthis take control of Yemen“stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South” On Jan. 20, 2015, the Houthis, who are part of a branch of Shiites called Zaidis (or fivers) stormed the presidential palace in Sanaa, Yemen, and effectively completed a coup. The Sunni president, Mansour Hadi, fled to Saudi Arabia, which was an ally. For background, President Hadi came to power during Arab Spring protests, so he wasn’t elected. The Houthis’ dispute with the government was said to be political, not religious. Nevertheless, it was seen as a severe threat because it effectively put Shia governments on three sides of the Saudi kingdom. A Shiite prophecy fulfilled On Jan. 23, 2015, just three days after the coup in Yemen, King Abdullah died, which fulfilled a Shiite hadith saying that, ‘after the death of a king named Abdullah, in the Hijaz (Saudi Arabia), no successor to the throne would be accepted and disagreements would escalate and persist until the rise of Imam Mahdi’. Of course, they are referring to the 12th Imam, who died in the 9th century, whom they think will return before Jesus, ‘to fight the evil forces that oppose them and establish peace and justice in the world’, which is how the ‘twelvers’ get their name. Of course, I don’t believe in the Islamic prophecies but the fact that they believe in them is a powerful motivation to oppose the evil forces until the Mahdi has a chance to establish himself. Well, Saudi Arabia and their jihadist religion of Wahhabism is about as evil as it gets because it effectively created terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, ISIS, Al-Shabob, and the Taliban. Those groups try to kill anyone who is not like them. Of course, some are worse than others but they all come from Wahhabism, which is the militant religion spread by Saudi Arabia. “the king of the South will wage war” On March 26, 2015, without U.N. approval, Saudi Arabia began bombing the Houthis in Yemen. Of course, their justification was that the Houthis were being supported by Iran, which was never actually proven but it relates things to the North and South in Daniel 11. Saudi clerics even called the air-strikes in Yemen a religious fatwa against the “enemies of Islam”, which they called “Safawis”. Of course, that is a direct reference to the Safavid Empire of the 16th century (vs.14), which originally made Shia Islam (twelvers) the official religion of Persia, around 1501. In other words, they were talking directly about Iran because Iran identifies with the Safavid Empire as their ancestors, since they celebrated their 500th anniversary, around 2001. “not be able to stand” Even though Saudi Arabia has a “large and very powerful army”, supplied by the United States, and continues to get US intelligence, they “have not been able to stand” and oust the Houthis, in almost 1.5 years of fighting. It’s impossible for me to know what “plots have been devised against them” but the war in Yemen has turned into a humanitarian disaster. From the very beginning, Iran worked with Oman, who didn’t agree with the bombing, to propose a 7-point peace plan, which made concessions on both sides. However, it required that the Houthis be made a legitimate political party, Yemen be allowed to enter the GCC, and new elections to be held. That plan didn’t go far because Saudi Arabia doesn’t like elections, and Yemen would become the poorest country in the GCC. Conclusion All along, the UN has constantly asked Saudi Arabia to negotiate a peace settlement but they refuse because they insist on re-instating their ally as president, without elections. Eventually, Saudi Arabia may succeed because there’s a “different outcome” in Daniel 11:29. Yet, I’m not sure if this verse is what that verse is talking about. I guess we’ll see soon enough. Saudi War with Yemen explained in the BibleDaniel 11:25 With a large army he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South. The king of the South will wage war with a large and very powerful army, but he will not be able to stand because of the plots devised against him. Turkish coup attempt explained in the BibleDaniel 11:26 Those who eat from the king's provisions will try to destroy him; his army will be swept away, and many will fall in battle.Prophecy fulfilled On July 15, 2016, there was an attempted coup in Turkey that fits this verse precisely. Unlike Yemen, the coup was executed by some from within the military so it was literally by “those who eat from the king’s provisions.” Yet, the verse says “try” to destroy him so it implies that they don’t succeed, which is exactly what happened in Turkey. The coup plotters were “swept away” (in a matter of hours) and “many fell in battle” (over 200 were killed). Without a doubt, the details of the attempted coup in Turkey matches the details of Daniel 11:26, exactly. Of course, the ‘king’ in this verse would be Erdogan but notice that it doesn’t exactly say ‘king of the North’. Just the same, Turkey could be part of the North because they are in the 10-nation ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization), with Iran, which could develop into the 10-horned beast, after the rapture, because the ending of Daniel 11 must contain the same 10-horned beast as found in Daniel 7:7 and Revelation 13, both after the rapture. (It’s simple chronology because Christians are in heaven in Revelation 7, long before Rev. 13, and Seals 1-5, in Rev. 6, are in the past, with Seal 6 matching the rapture in Matthew 24:29.) Impact on the North Anyway, the North was helped by the attempted coup in Turkey because it strengthened Erdogan’s relations with Iran and Russia, while dampening relations with the West and Saudi Arabia. In fact, there have been accusations from multiple sources that Saudi Arabia and UAE knew about the coup ahead of time. Plus, an intelligence firm in the United States, called Stratfor, tweeted the location of Erdogan, three times, while the coup was still in progress. At the same time, Arab media based in Dubai, UAE, reported that the coup had been successfuland that Erdogan had fled the country. The next day, Stratfor tweeted derogatory information about Erdogan, to seemingly validate the coup, which they later deleted. These things don’t go unnoticed so I imagine that Erdogan knows about the rumors. On the contrary, Russia was reported to have warned Erdogan, which allowed him to evade capture by just 44 minutes, and Iran was one of the first countries to contact Erdogan to offer support. Erdogan was already patching relations with Russia and softening his stance on Assad, in Syria, which could have led to the coup, but it backfired because Turkey is now even closer to the North. Erdogan immediately blamed the coup on a “parallel state”, within Turkey, called the Gulen movement, which was started by Fethullah Gulen, a self-exiled cleric living in the United States. Erdogan and Gulen used to be allies until they had their first public dispute, in December 2013, when Turkey was allegedly trading gold for oil, with Iran, and thus sidestepping the Western banking sanctions. The Gulenists accused Erdogan of favoring Iran, which was supposed to be Turkey’s enemy. Erdogan returned fire by accusing the Gulenists of being in bed with Israel. Therefore, regardless of whether the Gulenists are actually responsible, since Israel and Saudi Arabia are allies against Iran, the fact that Erdogan survived the coup bodes well for the North. Turkey is also trying to get the cleric extradited to face trial, but so far, the US has refused on grounds of lack of evidence, which is another factor that is irritating relations with the US, which is allies with Israel and Saudi Arabia. The coup has sped Erdogan’s pivot to the North. Aftermath of the coup In the meantime, while waiting for the extradition, Erdogan has used the failed coup to strengthen his power, by purging the government of anyone linked to the Gulenists. Last I heard, he had removed about 2839 military troops, including about one-third of his generals. He had also fired about 8000 police officers, 2745 judges, and 15,000 education staff, including 1500 university deans. The United States has expressed concern over Turkey becoming an authoritarian state but Erdogan is not accepting any advice from the US, at least not until they extradite the accused cleric. Therefore, besides pivoting North, Erdogan has pivoted East. Conclusion The failed coup in Turkey was undoubtedly a significant event, especially since Turkey has the 2nd largest military in NATO. Over the decades, Turkey has had several military coups, but none that has failed, so this is indeed a unique event. Given that it helped the North and matched the keywords exactly, there’s no doubt in my mind that it fulfilled Daniel 11:26. Updated:9-06-2016Updated:9-06-2016*More about ISIS ‘prophecy’ on the abomination page (Daniel 11:31)Daniel 11:27 The two kings, with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same tableand lie to each other, but to no avail, because an end will still come at the appointed time. I used to think this verse was talking about formal peace talks, such as the ones sputtering along in Geneva, but I no longer think that’s the case. I’ve learned that a person should take Daniel 11 as it’s written and not make too many assumptions. I mean, the verse says that the two kings will “sit at the same table and lie to each other” but it doesn’t have to be peace talks. On the contrary, it could occur anywhere that the two kings happened to be. The biggest problem is figuring out who the two kings are but I think it’s based on the events of Daniel 11:25 & 26, which would indicate that it’s the leaders of Turkey and Saudi Arabia. I came to that conclusion when it finally dawned on me that Daniel 11:25 & 26 were two separate events: the war in Yemen in verse 25 and the attempted coup in Turkey in verse 26. It took me a long time to come to that conclusion because I’m not one to try to fit things in where they don’t belong, just to say that they’re fulfilled, but now I’m pretty sure it’s true. Anyway, it makes since for the two kings to “sit at the same table and lie to each other” because Saudi Arabia was accused of knowing about the coup, ahead of time, and they were a little slow in condemning the attack, compared to other countries such as Iran and Russia. In fact, Erdogan has been getting closer to Russia, since the attempt, and has softened his stance on Assad, in Syria, which Saudi Arabia still insists on removing. Turkey has exchanged diplomatic visits with Iran and Russia, since the attempt, and the US has sent multiple visitors, but Saudi Arabia has remained fairly silent. Eventually, one would think that Saudi Arabia would want to offer their support for Erdogan, in person, as others have, which might involve “sitting at the same table.” The two leaders will have the perfect opportunity to do just that at the upcoming G20 meeting, on September 4-5, in Hangzhou, China. If you look at a map of G20 countries, Turkey and Saudi Arabia stand out as the only two countries from the Middle Eastern area. Prophecy fulfilled September 3, 2016 - Erdogan and Muhammad bin Salman “sat at the same table”, ahead of the G20 summit in China, just as I expected. Here’s a link to the photograph. Of course. some may say that world leaders do this all the time so what makes this meeting so important? Like I said above, I think it has a lot to do with verse 26, which was the attempted coup in Turkey, and verse 25, which was Saudi Arabia (king of the South) waging war on Yemen. The above link doesn’t say what they discussed but it doesn’t really matter because I’m pretty sure that they were “lying to each other”, as verse 27 indicates. “An End” will still come at the Appointed Time Notice that this verse refers to “an end” but not “the end”. That’s because it’s referring to the ‘abomination that causes desolation’, from Daniel 11:31, below, which is when the rapture (gathering in the sky) will happen, as described in Matthew 24:15-31. Yet, it’s not the final endbecause there are plenty of events left to happen (Rev. 8+), after the multitude are in heaven from Rev. 7. Note: It all makes perfect sense because the 6th Seal, from Rev. 6, matches the rapture in Matt. 24:29, and the previous Seals are in the past. Thus, the final signs before the rapture are these verses from Daniel 11, which lead to the abomination that causes desolation. Note: The rapture is called an ‘end’ because it’s the gentiles ‘last chance’ to get to heaven, which is very sad, but I don’t think there’s a 2nd chance, as many have been told. The so-called ‘2nd chance’ is for Jews only, because they were God’s chosen people, and they will become ‘priests’ during the 1000 years, ‘if’ they refuse the mark of the beast. (Rev. 20:4-6) However, I don’t think that’s meant for gentiles too. I’m just saying because I want everyone to develop a sincere relationship with Jesus, before the abomination, so no one has to worry about it. begun